Cambodian Society
in the United Kingdom


Welcome to Casunik

CASUNIK primarily aim is to help, guide and assist any Cambodian living or visiting the United Kingdom as well as any person related to Cambodia or Cambodians. Our aim is to provide information and resources to accommodate from personal to official level.

We strive to maintain, promote and introduce the Khmer Tradition and Culture. Our plan is to instigate and encourage the expansion of a Cultural exchange between Great Britain and Cambodia and help develop a bond and link between the two Kingdoms.

CASUNIK was founded by students, immigrants and diplomatic staff who were stranded by the events of the civil war as Pol Pot started Year Zero and cut off all international relationships in 1975. Since the re-instatement of the Royal Embassy of Cambodia, CASUNIK is enjoying a close working relationship and cooperation on a non-political basis.

CASUNIK informs, provides and operates its service under the Act of Charitable Organisation’s Constittution. REGISTERED UNDER THE CHARITY ACT 1960 No 292074

For information please refer to the our website Map, or contact us for further information at

Thank you for visiting CASUNIK.


The definition of Cambodian and Khmer:
A Cambodian is a native inhabitant of Cambodia.

Ethnicity: Chinese, Vietnamese, Chams, Burmese, and Thai, through ancestry in Cambodia are Cambodians as well as the Khmer.

Cambodian: of or relating to or characteristic of Cambodia or its people or language.

The Khmer people are the predominant ethnic group in Cambodia, accounting for the majority of the 13,388,910 million (2008 National Institute of Statistics). The Khmer race descends from the Khmer Empire that was the third largest Empire in South East Asia after Srivijaya and Majapahit. The beginning of the era of the Khmer kingdom of Angkor is conventionally dated to 802AD. In this year, King Jayavarman II had himself declared "Chakravartin" (King of the world).

Upcoming events

Bonn Phka International - 2024