Cambodian Society
in the United Kingdom


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Important Notice (Please read before attending):

♦ To all events and activities organized and held by Casunik, we, the organizer will not be held liable nor will we be held resposible for any loss or damages for personal belongings or personal injury during any events held by us. Therefore, we ask each of our member, friend and guest to be responsible for your own personal belongings, the safety of your child(ren), yourself and your friend(s).

♦ It is inappropriate for any individuals including Casunik members and friends alike to trade or commercially exchange goods during religious ceremonies at any religious temples organized by us. Therefore we urge all our members and friends to act appropriately whilst attending these occasions or ceremonies.

♦ Please observe, understand and comply to our "Dress Code" when attending ceremonies being held at the monasteries or venues of events where monks being present. If inappropriately dressed, we reserve the right to ask you to leave the premises.


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Summer Party - 2009

Summer Night Party
Saturday June 27, 2009
From 18:00pm - 24:00pm

Members, friends and guests are warmly welcome to join us in Summer Night Party 2009


The One World Alsager - 2008

CASUNIK shall take part in The One World Week event. If you are interested, be there on Saturday 11th October 2008 - from 10:00am to 1.00pm.
CASUNIK is given one stall (1 square meter) for exhibiting our art and culture where traditional clothings, handcrafts and a variety of Khmer musical instruments are chosen for this exhibition.


Summer Fair: UK-Vietnamese Network - 2007

Summer Fair -UK Vietnamese Network - 15 July 2007
A yearly event which occures in September which takes place at Burgess Park in Peckham, London SE15.


Mid-Autumn Festival - 2006

A yearly event which occures in September and it is held at the VLC Community Centre for the Vietnamese, Laotian and Cambodian Community.


Cookery - 2002

Sunday 03-03-2002 Cooking Demonstration by Mrs Pak Neari Ruos

Mrs Ruos Pak Neari kindly demonstrated of how to make traditional Khmer Pickled Pork, Fresh Fish Salad and Amok Steam Fish Red Curry. The demonstration took place on Sunday 03-03-02 at the VLC Community Centre.

We did have a very good time with a brilliant atmosphere. A small meeting was then taken place afterwards to prepare for the New Year Ceremony in April 2002.

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