Cambodian Society
in the United Kingdom


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Important Notice (Please read before attending):

♦ To all events and activities organized and held by Casunik, we, the organizer will not be held liable nor will we be held resposible for any loss or damages for personal belongings or personal injury during any events held by us. Therefore, we ask each of our member, friend and guest to be responsible for your own personal belongings, the safety of your child(ren), yourself and your friend(s).

♦ It is inappropriate for any individuals including Casunik members and friends alike to trade or commercially exchange goods during religious ceremonies at any religious temples organized by us. Therefore we urge all our members and friends to act appropriately whilst attending these occasions or ceremonies.

♦ Please observe, understand and comply to our "Dress Code" when attending ceremonies being held at the monasteries or venues of events where monks being present. If inappropriately dressed, we reserve the right to ask you to leave the premises.



Remembrance Day of King Father Sihanouk - 15th October 2021
[Download file in PDF]

The Royal Embassy of Cambodia in London will organize the Remembrance Day of King Father Sihanouk on 15th October 2021 from 11 AM.

All Cambodian citizen in the UK are invited to attend the above mentioned day at the Embassy (address below).

In this regard, the Embassy would like to seek the kind assistance of Cambodia Society in the UK to kindly share the information to all Cambodian citizen living in the UK.

Those who wish to attend the above-mentioned event can register through the below link:

The Embassy is looking forward to welcoming Casunik members and all Cambodian citizen living in the UK.

Cambodia's Foreign office
The Royal Embassy of Cambodia
64 Brondesbury Park
Willesden Green
London NW6 7AT
